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Better Mesh Generation for my Voxel Engine

As I explained in my first post about my voxel engine, a mesh for a chunk is generated using the greedy meshing algorithm, inspired by this famous blog post by 0fps. roboleary ported 0fps’ javascript algorithm to Java, and I ported that to C++.

Actually in my old engine I was already using greedy meshing to generate the mesh for every chunk. The implementation was similar, at least in the idea, except that I had 3 different switch-cases to march along the correct direction for every face. I just find 0fps/roboleary’s implementation much more elegant than mine. I know I could fix it, but still, when I started working on the engine I just wanted to get this part running quickly, so that I could experiment with other stuff like multithreading, this article, and nicer world generation (more interesting terrain features, decorations - which are the argument of an upcoming article, biomes…)

What’s wrong with Greedy Meshing?

Well nothing, almost. Not in the algorithm itself at least. The problem is how I move data from the CPU, which executes the meshing algorithm, to the GPU, which puts the pixels on the screen.

Currently, for every vertex of the mesh I send:

So a float is 4 bytes, which adds up to 3*3*4=36 bytes for each VERTEX. That’s an awful lot of data for a single vertex.

Now, in my quest to learn OpenGL I read pretty early about Geometry Shaders. Those are pretty cool: they execute after the vertex shader, take as input a set of vertices and output multiple vertices, manipulated as we wish, packed into a primitive.

I thought I can use a geometry shader to optimize my greedy meshing routine. Since I’m making a cubical voxel engine, ultimately we want the meshing stage to output the quads that make up the faces of the cubes (most probably multiple cubes merged together). But generating whole quads on the CPU is really a waste of resources, especially memory, and is also wasting bandwidth between the CPU and the GPU.

Now, we can generate a single point on the CPU, representing the whole quad that would be generated instead, which carries the following information:

I call the set of these a cloud of points.

Ultimately it’s almost the same amount of data per element of the array, but I’m sending 4 times less data, since an element of the cloud represents a whole quad, while previously an element of the arrays that were sent to the GPU represented a single vertex (of which four are needed to make a quad).

All the vertices of the quad have the same normal, which can be calculated from the extents vector. One and only one element of this vector is zero: this represents which axis the quad is on. Combined with the backface element, it can be used to determine the normal of the vertex. This is done in the vertex shader, and sent to the geometry shader. The extent vector is also used to determine the texture coordinate of each vertex during the geometry shader.

The Geometry Shader itself

It’s up to the geometry shader generate the new vertices. It also comes with a little added benefit: if we get the order in which to output the vertices right, we can output a triangle_strip primitive. A triangle strip is just like a triangle, except it doesn’t need a separate indices array to order the vertices: in a triangle strip any 3 consecutive vertices make a triangle. This could also be implemented on the CPU, but I only discovered them when working on this :) .

After the cloud of points is sent to the GS, together with the calculated normal for each vertex, the GS procedes to generate new vertices in the order shown below. It’s this order that guarantees that a triangle_strip is generated.

In a GS, a new vertex is created by calling EmitVertex(). After all vertices have been created, the primitive is closed my calling EndPrimitive(). Any data about the vertex (including data that needs to be sent from the geometry shader to the fragment shader) must be set before calling EmitVertex()

Let’s breakdown the GS:

  1. Setup inputs and outputs.

    layout (points) in;
    layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 4) out;
    in VS_OUT{
    vec3 Extents;
    vec3 Normal;
    float BlockType;
    } gs_in[];
    out vec3 TexCoord;
    out vec3 Normal;
    out vec3 FragPos;
    uniform mat4 view;
    uniform mat4 projection;

Most of the variables are self-explaining. TexCoord is the texture coordinates (remember, they are 3d) and FragPos is the position of the fragment in world coordinates, used for lighting calculations in the fragment shader.

Also note that each vertex needs to be translated in its position as seen by the camera, so it needs to be multiplied by the view and projection matrices. This was previously done in the vertex shader, but now needs to be done for each vertex before emitting it.

  1. Entering the main() we start emitting vertices

    Normal = gs_in[0].Normal;
    TexCoord = vec3(0.0, 0.0, gs_in[0].BlockType);
    gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position;
    FragPos = vec3(gl_Position);
    gl_Position = projection * view * gl_Position;

The normal is the same for every vertex, so it only needs to be set once at the start. The first vertex is bottom-left, which corresponds to the position vector (gl_in[0].gl_Position). Vertices between the vertex and the geometry shader are always passed as arrays, even if there’s just one vertex like in our case

  1. Now we have to procede based on which axes the quad is parallel to: the quad is parallel to the axes whose extent is not 0. This can be checked with an if statement.

    if(gs_in[0].Extents.x == 0){
    }else if(gs_in.Extents.y == 0) {

    The bodies of the statements are pretty similar, only the exact values change. Let’s examine a quad parallel to the y and z axes

    1. Emit second (bottom-right) vertex
    TexCoord = vec3(0.0, gs_in[0].Extents.z, gs_in[0].BlockType);
    gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position + vec4(0.0, 0.0, gs_in[0].Extents.z, 0.0);
    FragPos = vec3(gl_Position);
    gl_Position = projection * view * gl_Position;

Again, pretty similar to the first one.

  1. And so is the third (top-left) one

    TexCoord = vec3(gs_in[0].Extents.y, 0.0,  gs_in[0].BlockType);
    gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position + vec4(0.0, gs_in[0].Extents.y, 0.0, 0.0);
    FragPos = vec3(gl_Position);
    gl_Position = projection * view * gl_Position;
  2. After the third vertex, and still in the if statement body, we set the texture coordinate for the fourth vertex

    TexCoord = vec3(gs_in[0].Extents.y, gs_in[0].Extents.z,  gs_in[0].BlockType);
  3. The fourth and last vertex (top-right) is independent of axes, because it’s always at position+extent. Its TexCoord is not however, and has been set before in the if statement body.

    gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position + vec4(gs_in[0].Extents, 0.0);
    FragPos = vec3(gl_Position);
    gl_Position = projection * view * gl_Position;
  4. And finally


This order of emitting vertices guarantees a working triangle_strip. However, it has the downside of not respecting the vertex order for face culling anymore, so I disabled it for the moment. It could be re-enabled by using another switch case to check the normal of the vertices and eventually emitting them in reverse order.

Why floats?

Using integers would save up a lot more memory on both the CPU and the GPU. Since a chunk is set to be 32 blocks wide, neither the position nor the extents vector can ever go past the value 31: a byte will be more that sufficient to express it, instead of the 4 bytes always required by a float. With some bitwise operations, it could be compressed even further.

Too bad that GPUs SUCK at integer calculations!

Nah, that’s not actually true, at least not for modern GPUs.

I’ve never posted on about my desktop computer, but the gist of it is that I built it during the high of the GPU shortage of 2020 and got no GPU for it. So I bought a used AMD Radeon HD6850, which is now more a than 10 years old GPU, with the intent to have a dual GPU setup in the future and pass one GPU to a Windows 10 machine to do CAD work. Some time later I bought a NVIDIA Tesla M40. This is a server GPU, basically a Titan X Maxwell from 2015, except with a cooler that makes absolutely no sense for a desktop computer (which makes keeping it from overheating a challenge) and no video output. So I kept the HD6850 to have a video output, while offloading the heavy calculations to the Tesla M40 with PRIME.

Where was I? Oh right, GPUs suck at integer calculations, or at least old ones do. My Radeon HD 6850 is indeed an old GPU: it was released in 2010. My Tesla is somewhat newer -still a bit old- but was an enterprise-grade GPU when it got out. And due to the nature of my setup, I can test the engine on both GPUs.

The morale of the story is that I did try using (unsigned) integers instead of floats. While the M40 didn’t break a sweat, the HD6850 was literally chocking. Frametimes more than decupled, with framerate dipping below 15 FPS as soon as more than a handful of chunks had to be rendered.

Since I aim to keep compatibility with older hardware as much as possible (this engine runs at about 80FPS at 8 chunks render distance on my ancient Dell M1330, released in a 2008 with a whopping Intel Core 2 Duo T7000 and a NVIDIA Gefore 7800GS) I decided against the transition to integers to express mesh data, even if it meant giving up a big decrease in RAM and VRAM usage.


The reason I decided to introduce a Geometry Shader was to see if I could reduce the VRAM usage, and if so, by how much. Reducing VRAM usage means that I can make the world generation more interesting (i.e. more detailed terrain, decorations like trees) without wasting resources.

Here’s a table of the VRAM usage with after the introduction of the Geometry Shader in meshing. Tests are done in my standard world, you can check the notes.

Type VRAM usage (MB)
No Geometry Shader (old) 82
With Geometry Shader 20
With Geometry Shader + integers instead of floats 8

Reducing the amount of data that has to be sent from the CPU to the GPU has also the collateral effect of reducing RAM usage on the CPU, which was only partially a problem because mesh data was cleared as soon as it was sent to the GPU, but it still required a lot of operations to grow the heap to fit the data, only for it to be flushed afterwards.

Source code is available on Gitea (GitHub mirror) (Codeberg mirror)