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I like coding, electronics and robotics :)

I started messing around with LEGO Mindstorm when I was around 10, then I started using Arduino while in middle school. While in high school, I studied industrial automation and had a chance to pursue my passion for robotics. I’m currently studying to get a bachelor degree in automation engineering. In this little corner of the web I will write about my projects, ideas and notes on the stuff I think could be useful to others, or that I just feel like sharing.

I have never really fancied the use of social networks, I only ever had an Instagram account which is now quite abandoned. I currently only browse Reddit and YouTube to keep up with the stuff I like, via FOSS apps like Infinity and NewPipe.

I really like the look of HTML-and-CSS static websites, hence the simple style of this one. This website is statically generated from markdown using rivet, a static website generator written in POSIX compliant sh by my dear friend Alessandro Mauri. Check him out!



2024-06-09 - A two-wheel self-balancing robot

2024-03-26 - On the RomeCup 2024

2023-12-17 - FREE your Delta 2040 Turbo by WASP

2023-12-17 - wasp2040.html

2023-12-17 - Generating Trees | Voxel Engine #3

2023-08-20 - Notes about Voxel VRAM usage with Geometry Shader

2023-12-17 - Meshing using Geometry Shader | Voxel Engine #2

2023-08-10 - Driving a Apex P241281 Display with Arduino

2023-08-09 - Driving a SDA5708 LED Matrix Display with Raspberry Pi Pico

2023-07-31 - Fixing my High School Diploma Project

2023-07-30 - Building a DDS Signal Generator with a Teensy 3.5

2023-07-29 - Quickie - Printrboard USB connection failure

2023-12-17 - Voxel Engine (again) | Voxel Engine #1

2023-07-10 - Voxel Engine (again) - code snippets

2023-07-10 - My strangest Linux install to date

2023-07-10 - Google Meet Bot attends online lessons for me

2023-07-10 - Voxel notes

2023-07-09 - SPQR Robotics Team

2023-07-10 - year3p2.html

2023-07-10 - year1p2.html

2023-07-09 - year3p1.html

2023-07-10 - year2.html

2023-07-10 - year1p1.html

2023-07-10 - Developing a Voxel Engine

2023-08-12 - MakerFaire Rome 2017